Personalised Hypnotherapy for life-changing results


​This is what 44 years of experience can achieve…

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Weight Loss:
Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis

“I am delighted with how the weight loss is going and in the past 3 weeks since I saw you I have lost 10lbs! I am absolutely amazed as to how easy it has been.” M.C.

If you love food but hate exercising, there’s an easy hypnotherapy treatment that will make a difference…

The Virtual Gastric Band will help you achieve your goals – no starvation diet, no calorie counting, just a natural way of putting you in tune with what your body really needs, helping you steadily lose unwanted fat by making you feel fuller, quicker.
Obesity is usually a psychological rather than a physical issue. Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis works on an unconscious level and the treatment involves a combination of proven, psychological approaches and therapies, each underlined by the other, resulting in successful and permanent weight loss. Hypnosis is 100% safe and works by unconsciously changing habits and modifying attitudes for healthy weight loss.
Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis has a 95% success rate and is the world’s most successful, tried and tested weight loss treatment, while the real surgery has a long term success rate of less than 50%, because surgery doesn’t change the way you think and feel about food! It changes the way you think and feel about food and feel about yourself — making it easy to make healthier food choices. The session sets easily achievable goals – you just watch the kgs fall away.

Sexual Assault Recovery
Rape | Sexual Assault | Sexual Assault from Childhood Recovery

“I always thought it was my own fault… I was too embarrassed to tell anyone… I’m stronger now…” M.M. 
Remember… you were not to blame for what happened! 

Hypnotherapy can help victims move on fast from sexual assault, regardless of when the abuse took place. Many people experience sexual assault, including rape and sexual harassment. But remember… you were not to blame for what happened!
Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool which helps survivors rebuild their self-worth, manage emotional pain, and overcome fear, guilt, and shame. Hypnosis can also help restore trust and regulate emotions.
One of the greatest challenges for victims of sexual abuse and trauma is rebuilding their self-worth. Hypnotherapy can accelerate this process, helping victims rebuild their lives, regain confidence, and start living a life free from fear and pain. This allows them to create distance from the past so victims can rebuild trust in themselves.
Hypnotherapy can also provide a safe space, helping to alleviate painful emotions associated with traumatic events (PTSD), resulting in improved mental health and resilience facing trauma-related situations, including intrusive memories or flashbacks.

Stress & Anxiety | Social Anxiety | Insecurity Panic Attacks | Self-Sabotage | Thinking the Worst | Nervous Tension

“…I’m doing amazing, literally fantastic… I’m in a great place.” J.M

Now is the time to restore your self esteem!

Hypnosis is a powerful tool to beat Anxiety, Stress and Depression. Hypnotherapy helps you recoup lost energy, build motivation and self-confidence, and retake ownership of your life.
Stress is often caused by circumstances or things that are beyond our own control, making it difficult to think clearly and rationally when you’re anxious. Stress, Anxiety Worry & Self doubt can make day-to-day life a real struggle, but all these feelings are really just a misuse of the imagination.
Changing the way you think about things can change the way you feel about them; changing the way you feel about them changes the way you feel about yourself… and this change can be easy, natural, and automatic. Hypnosis is ideal for calming anxiety. You can learn how to relax, and once you’ve mastered this, you’ll find the rest easy… so easy it will become second nature and your life will become noticeably less stressful!
Thinking the worst can be habit forming… it’s like a prison we have created in our own minds, and that’s the hardest one to break out of. But the worst hardly ever happens. Beating the habit is really a matter of being able to put yourself in the right frame of mind. Once we learn to do this we can stop sabotaging ourselves.

Trauma ​ PTSD Trauma from childhood

“When my session was finished I felt different… and the next days everything changed… I had seen therapists prior to that at various times in my life but nothing was as profound as that session.” C.C.

The past is not a life sentence!

They say that time is a great healer… the pain of trauma can wear off over time, but the memory of the event will still be there. We can create ‘Emotional Distance’ which means that the memory is no longer hurtful or triggering.
Hypnotherapists often work with feelings and emotions to help clients achieve a change in the way they perceive. The brain often hides behind the heart, so using a combination of relaxation, visualisation and imagination, it’s possible to banish the painful part of the trauma, leaving only an inert memory! The process can be both quick and effective.

Anxiety and Confidence in Children & Teenagers PLUS: Teaching children how to deal with bullying

“It has been just over 6 weeks since [name of child] attended a session with you and gradually week by week he has grown in confidence and happiness – we could tell the difference straight away on the train on the way back. He has been leaving his bedroom to do things he has not done for years… out with friends, on Saturday we had a family day out… today he’s been to golf and tomorrow he’s going to London with my mum. He has chosen to do all of these things by himself.” M.H.

Children need the confidence to understand that no problem is insurmountable…

Teenagers often struggle to make sense of the world and worry about things adults find trivial. This is an ongoing process and it’s understandable that from time to time they may hit the odd bump in the road. However, it’s important that these temporary blocks are addressed so your child can continue to learn and develop.
The answer is to give children the confidence to overcome these hurdles – whether it’s a question of getting along with others in their peer group, or having trouble with schoolwork, the mental processes are the same.
Hypnotherapy offers reassurance and the knowledge to put things in perspective. Importantly, it provides the confidence to understand that no problem lasts forever and no problem is insurmountable.
* Please note, even though the session is online, a trusted adult should be present for under 16s.

Failed or Abusive Relationship Recovery Rejection | Assault ​Letting go of the past

“I am doing amazing. Thank you so much. I went for a walk on the beach. It felt so good to be at peace. My past has definitely stopped hurting. And it felt like it was a new beginning… I can’t thank you enough… it was the best medicine ever. The one thing that keeps going through my mind since our video call is The past is not my future… I am living so much more.” M.T.

It’s time to cut loose and live your life… because you deserve better! Moving on is not as hard as you think… the road ahead can be easy…

Rejection makes us anxious, lonely, and doubt our self-worth – but the past is not a life sentence… one session of hypnotherapy will help you cut loose & live your life to the full again… because you deserve better!
When we’re rejected, we often feel jealous, or lonely, or anxious. Worse, we tend to interpret the hurt we feel and view rejection as an indication of our self-worth. This can make us feel even worse! But as painful as it may be, rejection can actually benefit you. Rejection can build resilience and help you grow and apply the lessons you learn to future setbacks. To reap the benefits, you have to deal with it in the right way. Hypnosis helps us use the past as a lesson for the future.

Grief and Loss ​Loss of a Loved One

“Just a quick update… I feel great! Have started visiting friends again and not bursting into tears… I feel more in control, I still feel sad and grieve for my incredible husband but now it doesn’t overwhelm me… Thank you for your time and wisdom, I really appreciate everything you have done for me.” Z.N.

Most people try to forget or get over grief – but that’s a mistake, because it’s contrary to the purpose of grief.

Rather than trying to forget, it’s better to remember and accept what the emotion is trying to convey.
There are many ways to remember. You can remember what you learned from the person you lost, remember what you enjoyed, and even cry if you feel like crying. Even if your grief is about a relationship gone bad, there is always something you can learn through recollection. Reconciling grief is about accepting what the emotion is trying to convey and making space for the good memories – and what you gained from the person you lost.
Hypnosis helps you to reconcile grief and make space for it. In doing that, you will find it much easier to move forward.

Confidence | Self-Esteem | Self-Respect Public speaking | Performance Anxiety

“I am so grateful for the session, and honestly I have never in my 30 years had this kind of instant/massive change… Right away I could see the changes – in all areas of life, and I’m not exaggerating! where before I would get an instant fear in my stomach that would stifle me… now I just smile… I keep looking for it to come back, but I’m realising that it is actually fully gone… honestly you have completely changed my life quality and I am SO grateful for it!!” R.H.

Get an honest respect for your own abilities, potentials, values and strengths – and learn to trust in them.

It’s easy to imagine all kinds of negative things about ourselves and socially anxious people tend to focus less on other people and more on their own [imaginary] shortcomings.
Hypnotherapy utilises your own imagination to harness self-confidence and encourage a more positive sense of who you are – and what you can be. It also helps to increase confidence in social situations and focus in the same way that naturally self confident people do. The truth is, you are better than you think you are! Healthy self-esteem means having an honest respect for your own abilities, potentials and values. It also means recognising your own strengths and trusting in them. Hypnotherapy can awaken your self-confidence and determination.


“One session with Andrew back in 2004 in Jersey 18 years ago – not touched a cigarette since then… I was smoking 40 plus a day – definitely recommend him.” M.W. Jersey C.I.

Quitting the evil weed is easier than you think!

We have been conditioned to believe that stopping smoking requires Herculean strength of will. But that is a false belief!
Contrary to popular belief, it’s not the nicotine that’s addictive… it’s the habit that’s the real addiction. This is because smoking is always associated with another related activity – socialising with friends, taking a break at work, or just relaxing at home with a cup of tea. Changing the way you think about smoking will help you kick the habit for good… and save a lot of money in the process!

Pain Management Post Operative Pain ​Rheumatic Pain, etc…

“I absolutely could not believe the instant relief I felt at the end of this unexpectedly short session. I can move again without that terrible feeling crippling my lower back. I can’t thank you enough.” H.J.

Pain is nature’s way of telling us there’s something wrong… but you are a mind with a body, not a body with a mind!

Hypnosis really can have a profoundly beneficial effect on the workings of your body. Physicians and psychologists agree that we are ‘a mind with a body, not a body with a mind!’ In. other words, the way we think can affect our physical health as well as out mental health, and there are volumes of scientific evidence to back this up.
Major operations have been carried out with hypnosis as the sole anaesthetic. There is also a considerable body of evidence that hypnosis can enhance the effectiveness of the immune system. In a study at Washington State University, volunteers who underwent hypnosis specifically to boost their immune systems showed significant increases in levels of immune cells.
Hypnotherapy is effective for controlling pain resulting from accidents, post operative pain, the ordinary aches and the long-term pains of age, illness and disease.

Fears and Phobias Fear of flying, spiders, animal phobias, etc.

“…amazing… I wish I could fly with you.” C.P. [after a session for fear of flying.]

The only fear is fear itself…

A phobia is an irrational and uncontrollable fear of something specific, and people become conditioned to their Phobias.
Of course, a healthy respect for things which can do us harm is a good thing! No one in their right mind is going to mess about with a rattlesnake or jump in the sea when the sharks are circling. Other phobias, for example, fear of flying or a fear of bananas (a real client of mine had that!) are learned and can be unlearned equally quickly and easily.

Pure Relaxation

​Self Hypnosis

Practice makes perfect… Self-hypnosis is the therapist in you pocket. Learn how to hypnotise yourself any time you want! In just one three hour session, I can teach you the techniques to do just that, and… programme your own suggestions to make you a brighter, happier human being.

Pure Relaxation

Just chill… it’s easy once you know how…
Imagine being able to just do nothing – and feel good about it. Imagine being able to sink into relaxation almost instantly, regardless of the noise and hubbub going on around you and still be able to shut out the stresses and strains of life. Learn how in one easy session.