Andrew Newton Hypnosis

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Andrew Newton Hypnosis is a leading practice

Andrew Newton has 43 years experience in hypnosis and hypnotherapy and is one of the world’s most respected and experienced hypnotists. He is a member of the Royal Society of Medicine. He is Senior Lecturer in Hypnosis at Hypnoseakademiet, Norway, Europe’s leading Hypnosis and EFT training school, a position he has held since 2008. He is a regular speaker at […]

An innovative and safe approach to Weight Loss

Tired of endless diets and exercise that lead nowhere? Virtual Gastric Band Hypnotherapy changes how you think and feel about food, making you feel full more quickly, making it easy to eat less, and make healthier food choices. The journey to weight loss can be complex, and while physical activity and diet play their part, […]

The psychopath test — the personality traits

Having just one of these traits does not make someone a psychopath, but it’s someone’s overall personality traits that indicate psychopathy. Parasites lead a parasitic lifestyle, often sponge off others financially, or get others to do things they could do themselves, such as doing work for them, even though they might pay for that work […]

Hypnosis versus ‘mindfulness’

Feted as a way to improve mental and physical well-being, Mindfulness has become popular in recent years, but there is no proof Mindfulness is everything it’s cracked up to be. Said to boost happiness, mindfulness has become something of a trend thanks to plaudits from A-listers such as Emma Watson, Davina McCall Katy Perry, Angelina […]

The position you sleep in could give you nightmares

The position you sleep in can have an effect on the amount of sleep you get because sleeping in the wrong position could leave you more prone to nightmares. A study published in 2016 in the journal Sleep and Hypnosis found that people who sleep on their left side run a 41% chance of having nightmares […]

The psychopath test

There are certain personality traits that give away a psychopath. However, displaying just one or two of the traits listed below does not mean someone is a psychopath… it’s their overall personality that leads to a discovery of psychopathy. So here’s a list of traits to look out for: Psychopaths are masters of manipulation, their true […]

DON’T always look on the bright side of life!

Excessive optimism is linked to lower cognitive ability. It’s well known that those with too much of an optimistic outlook on life can make poor decisions. Research has shown that people with an inflated opinion of their own abilities perform poorly in tests for verbal fluency, problem-solving, numerical reasoning and memory, while those with higher […]

Antidepressants or hypnotherapy?

Science has made enormous strides forward every area of medicine over the last 40 years — except in the area of mental health. Although more than £18 billion has been spent every year on psychiatric research and even more on mental health services in the UK, too much of this money is being handed to […]

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is without doubt the disease of the new century — or at least it would be if it were not for the fact that humans have all too often been the authors of their own foreboding… unkindness to their fellows, wars, exploitation, sexual violence etc. etc. etc… But we still […]

Past Lives? I thinketh not…

British hypnotherapist Steve Burgess, has written a book entitled ‘Famous Past Lives’ which I think it’s still available on Amazon. The book concentrated on three of his clients, all of whom were convinced they had lived before as famous historical figures. Two women, both of whom were convinced they had been Queen Elizabeth I in […]

Music and spatial awareness

There has been much research that proves music lessons and musical training from an early age improves spatial awareness. Research has shown that the motor cortex, the cerebellum and the corpus callosum (which connects the two sides of the brain) is more developed in musicians than in those who have never had the opportunity to […]


Researchers from University College London Psychology & Language Sciences studied some of the ways in which every day social experiences put a strain on mental well-being. In an online experiment involving more than 2,000 people, they found that social differences alone are enough to strike paranoia. For example, differences in social status and political beliefs […]