Andrew Newton Hypnosis

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Anger is merely the outward expression of frustration…

Anger can damage relationships and your own peace of mind. Chronic anger is one of the biggest predictors of early death through heart disease — even more than chronic smoking! Anger, jealousy, pessimism, are both generated and made worse by the misuse of the imagination. In a study conducted at Stanford Medical School, heart patients […]

Death by conspicuous consumption

Over-eating is the most common eating disorder. In the 21st century, we are inundated with a deluge of readily available cheap, offal-based animal products – salty, sugary, lardy, nourishment-free junk masquerading as fast food. Instant access to the type of short-term gratification known as comfort eating is a major health problem, resulting in obesity, heart […]

Body Dysmorphia… Seriously, you look great!

Almost everyone has felt dissatisfied with their nose, or their chin, or their elbow, or some other body part at some time or another. They may even have become depressed about it for a while. But in most cases such concerns usually fade with time. Most people just wake up one day and realise that […]

Depressed…? It’s time to restore your self esteem… because you’re not a terrible person!

About 10% of people experience depression at least once in their lives, although women — especially between the ages of 35 to 45 — seem to be more prone to it. It was once thought that hypnotherapy was not a suitable therapy for people with depression, but we now know that hypnosis can be a […]

Go alcohol free… and live longer

The government recommends that 14 units off alcohol a week is the maximum you should be drinking — 14 units is equal to 6 pints of beer, 1.5 bottles of wine, 7 double whiskies, or 9 glasses of champagne. Give up alcohol for a month and you will benefit from better sleep, better skin and […]

Hitler and Hypnosis

Did a hypnotist who treated Adolf Hitler for shell shock in 1918 by using his ‘desire to be like a God’ help spark the Second World War? Adolf Hitler was turned into a murderous dictator by a hypnotist trying to cure him of the effects of a gas attack in World War I. Hitler claimed, […]

Helping clients ditch negativity.

Some clients are by nature, negatively biased and so it’s important to recognise and understand the impact these ideas can have on their overall wellbeing. Not all clients possess resilience and a positive mindset… negative thinking clients will [usually unconsciously] sabotage their own success, no matter how much better they feel during or straight after […]

Seven behaviours linked to high IQ

Our daily routines and behaviours have a big impact on intelligence and even the way we think… Some of the greatest minds indulge in unusual and even odd behaviours that are signs of a genius. Talking to yourself is one sign you might be smarter than the average person. This behaviour might seem irrational, but there’s a growing […]

Mindfulness? Hypnosis is quicker and safer.

Mindfulness is a form of meditation which teaches you to focus on being intensely aware of what you’re sensing and feeling in the moment. The practice uses breathing methods and guided imagery to relax the body and mind in order to feel ‘fully present’ and aware of each moment, in turn, reducing stress, anxiety and […]

Online Hypnotherapy Training may be the best choice

From one of the world’s leading experts on hypnosis… Are you intrigued by the art of hypnosis and its potential to bring about positive change? If so, training online is your ticket to unlocking the mysteries of the mind. If you’re looking for the best hypnotherapy training, Andrew Newton Hypnosis Training is where you want […]

Hypnotherapy: a solution for mental health issues

What do the best hypnotists have in common? Hypnotherapy has helped millions of people around the world deal with issues affecting their quality of life. The mind-body connection is complex, but Hypnosis is a bona-fide, safe and effective treatment, which incorporates psychological techniques to cure a variety of problems and conditions, such as pain management, […]

Hypnotherapy for positive change

Banish Anxiety: Hypnosis can quickly and effectively eliminate the stresses strains of everyday life once thought incurable! The process utilises your inbuilt ability to relax and visualise, helping you turn your back on the problems that caused you to feel like that in the first place. Improve Athletic Performance: Many athletes now use hypnosis to […]