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Do you hear what I hear? Living with Misophonia
- By Andrew
Misophonia is a condition where certain sounds, noises or behaviours can trigger extremely strong, even overpowering, negative feelings and emotions that are hard to control. Anxiety and Misophonia are distinct conditions but there are links between them and both conditions can affect anyone. However, research indicates it’s more common in female and is most likely […]
Recognising Dissociation & Association
- By Andrew
Many people may experience dissociation (dissociate) at some stage in their life. Dissociation is one way the mind copes with extreme stress. Everyone’s experience of dissociation is different, but typical signs are feeling disconnected from yourself and the world around you, feeling detached from your body or feeling the world around you isn’t real. Experiences […]
Autistic? Take a simple test to find out
- By Andrew
There’s a simple questionnaire designed for over 16s to detect general traits of Autism. It consists of ten questions that focus on social skills and communication. It’s estimated that around 700,000 adults and children in the UK have been diagnosed with autism diagnosis, with thousands more having it without knowing they have it. With numbers […]
ADHD Check
- By Andrew
An estimated two million people in the UK are thought to be living with undiagnosed ADHD, and being unlucky in love online could be a tell-tale sign of the condition. In fact researchers found that over a fifth of singletons with ADHD are more likely to be feel overwhelmed by dating apps and three in […]
Seasonal depression… and how to beat it…
- By Andrew
There are four reasons depression feels even worse at this time of year, but there are things you can do about it! Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a form of depression that occurs as the days ge shorter and colder. The cause of SAD is thought to be because the shorter days set off chemical changes […]
Simple ways to keep a healthy mind
- By Andrew
An average brain starts to decline from age 60, but it is possible to slow this decline down. Some brain aging results from everyday habits, such as repetitive routines, lack of social interaction, stress, not enough exercise, lack of quality sleep, and an unhealthy lifestyle. Engaging with other people keeps areas of the brain linked […]
It’s a push-button world!
- By Andrew
We spend a quarter of our waking time on our smartphone. Colourful, eye-catching Apps, are constantly competing for taps. Popular Apps like Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, X, Messenger, Spotify and more… have deliberately designed their logos to attract our attention to them. Research shows that from childhood, we love pressing buttons. Which is why WhatsApp, Instagram and Messenger are made […]
Bad Boys… and why we love them
- By Andrew
Why are bad boys so irresistible to women? Why can’t women resist their charms, and why do they always go back to them? Gen Z, have declared declared ‘baby-girl’ guys with soft features and vulnerable personalities are the most attractive celebrity crushes, it seems that nice boys are out, and bad boys are back. Surely […]
How to spot the psychopath
- By Andrew
Despite the popular image, not all psychopaths become killers. Most people nd psychopaths intriguing, even charming, but can’t quite work out why! Common traits include supercial charm, a grandiose notion of self-worth, the need for stimulation and impulsiveness, pathological lying, the ability to manipulate others and a lack of remorse and empathy. One reason could […]
Psycho… it’s not just a movie!
- By Andrew
No one is born a psychopath or with any other psychological disorder, but some children are born at high risk for developing psychopathy due to inherited or genetic factors. Only 1% of the population are aected by psychopathy, the personality disorder characterised by anti-social behaviour and extreme lack of empathy or remorse. Key behaviours indicate […]
The Signs of Childhood Emotional Neglect
- By Andrew
Recovery from childhood trauma isn’t always an easy or straightforward process. A lot of people suffer from childhood trauma without even realising it. Healing isn’t a straight path… one day, you’re on top of the world… the next, you’re down in the dumps for no apparent reason… and trauma flashbacks often appear unexpectedly… and in a variety of […]
How to Increase Your Popularity
- By Andrew
Why is it important for people to feel liked by others? Popularity connects to the evolutionary need for social connection, belonging, and status — skills that are crucial for survival in both early and modern day human societies. Human beings are inherently social creatures so the need for belonging is one of our most fundamental […]